
How to surf the web to find motivating and insightful content

  “ Wow! This was so cool !” my friend says. “How do you even find these things?” I tell him that I got it from the newsletter of <so-and-so> website where people post interesting stuff. And the next question goes, “Well, but how did you find out about the <so-and-so> website?” And then I end up telling him about this person on Twitter whom I follow and how she tweets interesting things and how she is SO cool. “Okay but how did you find out about this person?” … And every time, the conversation comes to an abrupt end either because my friend stops asking further questions at the risk of seeming too dumb (and ends up giving me an unsatisfactory “Oh Wow” reaction) or because I fail to remember the exact source (and end up telling something along the lines of — “I just found it while… hmm… browsing on the Internet”). What I also want to say is that these cool webpages/people that I come across can come to anyone. But that sounds like patronizing. Not helpful. And I want to say

An introduction to the JAMstack: the architecture of the modern web

   <img src=”Google”> I’m sure you’ve come across the word JAMstack before but you might not have understood what it really meant. I’ve seen this word before also but didn’t care to check it out until  Egwuenu Gift  organized   JAMstack Lagos . I then realized that I’ve been building JAMstack applications already. JAMstack is a modern web development architecture. It is not a programming language or any form of tool. It is more of a web development practice aimed towards enforcing better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and better developer experience. In this article, I’ll introduce you to what JAMstack means, why you should care, best practices, and how to get started. 😃 Introduction According to the official  JAMstack documentation , JAMstack is a Modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup. When we talk about “The Stack,” we no longer talk about operating systems, specific web servers, backend pr

How answer — and ask — questions intelligently in tech interviews

  Everyone likes to hop from  company to company  to find the best position that fits them. Currently, I am applying for jobs in companies that have a culture of work/life balance. I applied for a position as a software engineer at X-company. They were the most professional company that I have ever interviewed for. The interviewer was well prepared and left adequate time in our meeting to exchange questions. In this post, I will share the questions the interviewer asked me (mixed types, behavioral and technical questions). Also, I will share the questions I asked him when it was my turn to ask him some questions. I decided to document this interview because I believe it was a valuable experience in the technical and behavioral interview. Maybe it will help other engineers to get an idea of how to respond to those kinds of questions. Q1: Tell me about yourself This type of question is asked so you can express yourself in brief and get the full attention of your interviewer. So, you have

You should never ever run directly against Node.js in production. Maybe.

  Sometimes   I wonder if I know much of anything at all. Just a few weeks ago I was talking to a friend who mentioned off-hand, “you would never run an application directly against Node in production”. I nodded vigorously to signal that I also would never ever run against Node in production because…hahaha….everyone knows that. But I didn’t know that! Should I have known that?!?? AM I STILL ALLOWED TO PROGRAM? If I was to draw a Venn Diagram of what I know vs what I feel like everyone else knows, it would look like this… By the way, that tiny dot gets smaller the older I get. There is a better diagram created by Alicia Liu that kind of changed my life. She says that it’s more like this… I love this diagram so much because I want it to be true. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life as a tiny, shrinking blue dot of insignificance. SO DRAMATIC. Blame Pandora. I don’t control what gets played next while I’m writing this article and Dashboard Confessional is a helluva drug. Well, assumi

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